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Why I No Longer Want to Be Known as an SEO Expert in Dubai

Hi, I’m Fahar. A year ago, if you’d asked me about my profession, I would have proudly introduced myself as an SEO expert in Dubai. But now, I’d prefer not to be labeled that way.

SEO Expert: A Prestigious Title?

Sure, “SEO expert” sounds impressive, and it’s a popular search term in Dubai’s SEO scene. But, honestly, I’m moving away from this label. Here’s why:

Let’s Break It Down

According to Wikipedia, an expert is defined as:

“An expert is somebody who has a broad and deep understanding and competence in terms of knowledge, skill, and experience through practice and education in a particular field or area of study.”

In the rapidly changing world of SEO, can anyone truly be an “expert”? What we knew and practiced in SEO five years ago is now outdated and may even be considered spam. For instance, it was once enough to just add keywords to meta tags to rank well. Today, SEO is much more complex. If someone’s experience is from a decade ago and they haven’t updated their skills, they’re not necessarily an expert by today’s standards.

The Realities of SEO

Yes, the term “SEO expert” has high search volume, and many people use it to attract attention and rank in search results. I’ve done it myself. But I believe this term doesn’t capture the true nature of what I do.

The Better Keywords

Instead of “SEO expert,” I prefer terms like “SEO consultant,” “SEO practitioner,” or even “SEO freelancer in Dubai.” These terms better reflect the dynamic and practical aspects of SEO work. They’re more aligned with the ongoing learning and adaptation required in this field.

Understanding Job Titles

I also understand why “SEO expert” is so commonly used. Many companies use this term in job postings for SEO consultants. It seems that HR departments, especially those not deeply familiar with SEO, often default to “SEO expert” as a catch-all title. But if you’re in marketing or HR, you should know that “SEO consultant” or “SEO practitioner” is a more accurate reflection of the role. These titles capture the essence of what SEO professionals actually do and the value they bring.

A Different Approach

You might notice that this page is ranking for the keyword “SEO expert in Dubai.” That’s intentional. I’m taking a different approach to ranking for this keyword. If you look at the Google search results for this term, 9 out of 10 pages are service pages. I believe this should change.

The true intent behind the keyword should not just be about finding an “SEO expert in Dubai” but should focus more on “SEO services in Dubai” or “SEO consultant.” By shifting the focus, I hope to better align with what people are actually looking for and offer a more relevant perspective on SEO.

So, while “SEO expert” might get you clicks and attention, I think it’s more accurate to describe what I do with terms that highlight the consultancy and practical application of SEO.

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